DOnt quIT- Olanrewaju Ibembe

Luke 18:1, 4,5 “Also JESUS told them a parable to the effect that they OUGHT ALWAYS TO PRAY and not to TURN COWARD (faint, lose heart and GIVE UP); and for a time he would not; but later he said to himself, though I have neither reverence or fear God nor respect or consideration for man; yet because this widow CONTINUES TO BOTHER ME, I will defend and protect and avenge her, lest she give me intolerable annoyance and wear me out by her continual coming or at the last, she come and rail on me or ASSAULT me or STRANGLE me.” (AMP). Hebrews 10:35 “CAST NOT AWAY therefore YOUR CONFIDENCE, which hath GREAT RECOMPENSE OF REWARD.”

Both Biblical and Contemporary histories attest to the fact that, those WHO REFUSE TO QUIT always get their desired results and migrate to their expected destination no matter how tough or tortuous the journey might be. Nature cannot withstand PRESSURE.

Nature gives up its valuable substances when pressure has been consistently applied. Precious Minerals, Hydro-carbon, Crude Oil, etc become extractive property when pressure has been persistently applied.

Life gives us what we PERSISTENTLY DEMAND and not what we HUMANLY DESERVE. It is quite clear that God responds to our PERSISTENCE. Demons cannot withstand the believer’s persistent bombardment and Nature cannot stand applied pressure.

The Scripture says we are NOT TO CAST AWAY OUR CONFIDENCE, which God values greatly with great recompense of reward. It is on record that some Bible Characters got Heaven’s attention and intervention because of their obstinate persistence and their refusal to take “NO” for an answer.

Jacob told God that, “I would not let You go except YOU BLESS ME. Genesis 32:26 “And he said, Let me go, for the day breaketh. And he said, I will not let thee go, EXCEPT THOU BLESS ME” Hannah refused to leave and quit God’s presence. She remained there in God’s presence at Shiloh, pouring out her heart before God, even when the congregation had left. (1 Samuel 1: 10-12).

Blind Bartimeus refused to keep quiet when JESUS came to his immediate vicinity in Jericho. He did not succumb to the pressure of those who told him to keep quiet. JESUS stood still for Bartimeus’ attention in the midst of the crowd to answer the cry of the one who will not take “NO” for an answer. Luke 18:40 “And JESUS stood, and commanded him to be brought unto him.” Also, the woman with the issue of blood PRESSED through the PRESSURE OF THE CROWD, to touch JESUS and she got her healing because she would not take “NO” for an answer. Mark 5: 27-29 “When she had heard of JESUS, came IN THE PRESS behind, and touched His garment; for she said, If I may touch but His clothes, I shall be whole; and straightway the fountain of her blood was dried up; and she felt in her body that she WAS HEALED OF THAT PLAGUE.” In Matthew 15: 22-28, a woman referred to as “Woman of Canaan,” an outcast, notorious for her immoral disposition travelled a long distance to come to JESUS for the deliverance of her daughter. It is amazing that JESUS did not respond to her initially as she faced stiff resistance from the Apostles.

The disciples told the MASTER that she should be cast away because she was disturbing them. This woman REFUSED TO QUIT, despite the negative appellation she was tagged with. She went on worshipping the LORD and eventually secured the LORD’S intervention. JESUS taught us in Luke 18 that, we should NEVER QUIT as the subject widow refused to take “NO” for an answer. She employed the FORCE OF PERSISTENCE to weary out the UNJUST JUDGE.

Satan, the unjust judge cannot withstand the persistent bombardment of prayers from the believer. You are too close to your breakthrough now than when you first started. Just a little PUSH and you will get there. Fight on. All those who made history in very unfriendly environment, were those who recognised the power of persistence.

You are not a quitter, you are a GREAT WINNER. You will never lose your reward. Never take “NO” for an answer. God’s promises will surely come to pass in your life. Don’t ever be discouraged. Try one more time, again and again. Trust God more and you will surely laugh last.

PRAYER: In JESUS Name, I REFUSE TO QUIT. I repose my confidence AFRESH in the LORD. I trust in the Name of the LORD. I stand on the Word of God and I press on. I will never quit. I am a great winner.
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