Women, Quit Abusive Relationship.

A man who physically, emotionally and verbally abuses you before marriage is not a man to consider for marriage because he will continue abusing you even after marriage. Don’t let him fool you with fake apologies. Don’t let him deceive you with false promises that he will change. A loving man will never hurt the woman he loves. Instead he will direct his strength towards anything that threatens the one he loves. . Please heed this warning seriously.
You cannot ignore this warning and not regret in the future. Regrettably, many who disregarded this warning are living in hell nursing multiple physical and emotional scars. Countless women die at the hands of abusive husbands yearly. You are too precious to be someone’s punch bag. . You are too valuable to be taken for granted. Don’t be a victim. Don’t be statics. Don’t be desperate. Get out of an abusive relationship right now before it is too late. Don’t negotiate. You’ve got only one life to live. Run for your life.

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