Apart from the fact that Flora disliked doctor Dave, he is a tall handsome man with good heart caring and also very confident of himself. She decided he was a likeable man in a rather muddled fashion, if any one happens to like him because she doesn't. She said to herself, for she was quite sure he doesn't like her either. He was friendly in a cool way, although he made no effort to walk up to her. He just spent a good quality time with her grandparents. You are frowning Becky, Mr Ben walked up to her and asked. The price of beef in the country's markets are getting on the high side, she said. It Did" Clever girl, he praised her. They left as soon as it was after ten and Flora who was driving this time,
was deeply in thought when she clashed the gears and fully pulled her grandparents into reverse by mistake in full view of Doctor Dave who had come out to see them off. Flora has no doubts that if she could have seen Doctor Dave face clearly he would have been mocking her. I Liked that doctor, "What's his name, she asked. Such a nice young man, don't you think Flora. "I don't know, Grandma, i suppose he is all right. Yes, yes a very good handsome man. I think. Mr Ben told me that he is a very hard working man and comes over from time to time. He is quite young too. Flora raised her face and asked, How Young? "Thirty Five, replied her grandfather.
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