Flora washing up cups and saucers was thinking of few careless questions to follow this interesting piece of information which her grandfather had just spilled, but the old man was too quick for her as he stood up and walked to the door. Well i shall turn in, kissed her and stumped upstairs. Leaving her with her curiosity state of mind sufficiently aroused to prevent her from falling asleep for quite a long time. However she was up so early attending to the old couple, though there was little left to do. Flora sat before the old-fashioned dressing table, not seeing her own reflection but doctor Dave strong features.
She closed her eyes upon it, brushed her hair and tied it back. She was dressing up her face when there was knock on the front door and she poked her head out of the window to see who it was before going downstairs. There were two people Mrs Ben and Doctor Dave. Flora could not pretend she wasn't there as that lady was already looking up at the window and had seen her poked her head out. She called down politely; Good Morning, She heard her grandfather going to open the door as she spoke. While in the kitchen she added more two cups and saucers to the coffee tray and took it in the sitting room, where doctor Dave politely took it from her.
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Season 7 Coming.Love With Flora Part 6.
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