Google Adsense is one of the most top easiest way to make money from your website. All you have to do with Google Adsense is register for an account with your website, get approved and start showing ads on your website. Adsense pays you for every click that comes through your website. You earn roughly 68% of every click to the ads showing on your website and Google gets the rest share.
Adsense is no doubt the best programme that can help you get extra income from your website.
Website with enough content tend to get a high pay from adsense. The more rich content your site have, the more Google gets to know what your site is all about and match better ads for your website.
Most bloggers make 6 figure every month from adsense only. Adsense is not a get rich quick saheed and it takes a lot work and time to get to that stage. Mostly your website got to have a lot of traffic, that way, adsense pays you enough money. The amount you can earn from adsense is not certain as this depends on how much traffic your website gets a day and how much you get per click. The money you are being paid also depends on how much an advertiser are paying Google for a particular ad. You will earn a share of what advertiser is paying.
Most people want to know how much they can earn from Google Adsense. No one knows how much you can earn from adsense, only Google knows this answer. There are rich niches that is sure to pay more than other keyword phrases e. g Make Money, this type of keyword phrases is sure to pay more as this is the most searched word on Google.
For Your website to earn money with adsense, you also need to get a high niche website and post constantly.