Ways To Know If You Are Truly In Love With Your Partner.

Your answers to these questions will reveal if you are in love. Answer "true" or "false" with the first response that comes up. If you are thinking about your answers too much, stop answering these questions. Instead, take a deep breath and relax. Then respond from a place of inner calm.

 Am I always proud of my partner anywhere and anytime? 

Do I love myself just as much as I love my partner?

 Do I love my partner more than myself? 

Do I feel good around my partner? 

Do I feel good about who my partner is? 

 If my partner were to lose his/her material possessions, will I still be with him/her?
 Will I appreciate what he does to me?

 Am I always happy for my partner when good things come his/her way. 

When difficulties come up for my partner, will I be there to support him/her?

 Am I happy the way my partner and I interact and resolve our personal problems? 

Do i respect my partner’s decisions?

 Do I value our relationship?

 Am I willing to sacrifice for our relationship? 

When I am have some challenges or having good/bad news, will I call my partner? 

Do I love my partner for who his/her is, not for what he/she has? 

When we have problems my first decision is to resolve it not to leave him/her. 

When our relationship is not moving as smoothly as I'd like, will I be able to be with him to correct things or find solution? 

Do I feel content, fulfilled and satisfied in my relationship? 

Do my partner feel the same way I feel him/her (i.e.Do we both love each other).  
Do I ever pray for my partner’s success?

 Everything about my partner makes me happy.

 I’m free to be my true self in my relationship?

 I like who I am in my relationship. 

The last, do I trust my partner?

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