In a relationship, Love is not enough to keep it going as it requires more than that. Communication and commitment is a vital factor in making your relationship wax stronger. For Every Relationship Love is the foundation but it does not also guarantee success.
In order to achieve a fulfilling, healthy and strong relationship, both partners must be committed and willing to work it out.
Accepting and Appreciating your partner shows you care for your partner and you are ready to make it work. Without you accepting your partner the relationship wont be a relationship in the first place, these makes it a vital factor in every relationship.
Having the knowledge that all relationships have their ups and a great tool as it helps you sort out your relationship problem. In a relationship the word "WE" should
always be your friend as it takes two people to be in a relationship and to make it work.
Complimenting your partner every now and then makes them feel loved and brings out the best in them.
Giving your partner some space is also advised as it helps them to think and find the best way to love you.
I Hope today's lesson will help us in loving our partner more.