The second batch NPower registration has some slight adjustments from the first and these include.
1. BVN will be auto searched by site before proceeding to the next phase. If BVN exists then one is cleared to proceed. this development is not unconnected with series of problems faced with unmatched, incorrect BVN in the first batch registration.
2. The second phase registration is more of an interactive interphase. Applicants dont just upload data and go, the test which erstwhile was written seperately at a slated date will be written immediately by applicants to complete their registration.
NOTE: Based on the few points above, i'd like to reiterate that prospective applicants should be fully involved and be physically present in the process of proofread their info and write their test.
The issuance of forms in this phase will not be possible for obvious reasons, so i urge all to take this phase serious and get
How To Create Account On N-Power Portal, Verify BVN & Upload Data
1. First visit and register by creating a username and password and then sign in.
2. Click through the various programmes and choose the one that suites you and then click on apply at the bottom of the page
3. Carefully fill the application form and make sure to provide accurate information and documents to support your application.
4. After submitting, you will receive an acknowledgement email letter confirming the receipt of the application.
5. After 48hours you will be notified by email and the registration portal whether you are eligible for the N-Power program, if you are unsuccessful you may apply again in subsequent programs.
6. If you are successful you can proceed to the test page at the MY N-POWER PORTAL, you will be required to write two tests; a general skills test and program specific test.
7. Depending on your program there may be a final interview before acceptance into the N-Power program, otherwise you will receive an email confirming your provisional acceptance into the N-Power program.
8. You will have to confirm your acceptance to secure your place.
9. Specific information and program details will now be sent to your email.
10. If at any point you encounter a challenge in filling your form you can send an email to