It was a shocking and dreadful sight following the discovery of the lifeless body of a newborn baby lying in a toilet at a female hostel of the University of Maiduguri, Borno State in the morning of Wednesday, May 24, 2017.
According to an eyewitness who posted the sordid incident on his Facebook wall, Egwina Supreme Peter, the dead baby was found in a toilet of the Murtala Hostel.
Peter said that the wicked mother had tried to force the baby into the toilet to no avail and she left it there and sneaked away.
Peter who posted the heartbreaking photo of the baby, also put up photos of some wailing women who had retrieved the dead infant from the toilet while others looked on in awe.
This is how Peter described the incident:
"Some ladies are heartless, crazy, stupid. In fact, I don't know any word suitable to describe this lady. Sometimes, I wonder why some girls don't have the fear of God in their lives.
The picture below is a true life story of what just happened at Murtala Female Hostel at the University of Maiduguri today.
A lady gave birth to a female child, killed the child by herself and was coercing the child into the female hostel toilet.
My question is: If this lady was treated in this manner, will she be alive today? Who will marry such a heartless woman as a wife?"
As at the time of writing this, the culprit has yet to be identified while the police say they have been informed of the incident and they will leave no stone unturned to discover the wicked lady who committed such an atrocious act.
See more graphic photos below;