Are you her son? Flora asked, His dark brows rose an inch as he smiled and said, my dear good girl, the way you chat with me, have you been learning all this by heart while i waited ? He had followed her to the office and had held the door open as she goes inside. No i am not her son, he said...i'm just her very good old friend. His voice were filled with deep faintly amusement, Floral still listening to him sat down at the desk and waved him to a chair.''Could you tell me if she lives in at the address where she was found badly burnt, Flora asked, yes temporarily; he said. Does she have any occupation? she
is a housekeeper, he said, she eyed him and said could you please help a little more, i'm very busy. her name and does she have any relations or friends to whom we can apply? and is she living alone plus how old is she? He smiled lazily and said she is 69, i think. How old are you?
he asked her with mockery in his voice. That's my business and not yours, she snapped tartly, and will you please give me the patient name? ''Ah yes. Her name is Grace Nelson, he stopped to spell it for her,'She is a Dutchwoman, she is here for a short period of time to act as a housekeeper at the house where she was found. She came in only yesterday evening and she does not speak English.
Flora looked up from her pen, oh i see,does she lets room or something like that?yes, she has no relation as far as i know, so if there is anything she needs perhaps i should be told . He stood up, do you mind if i see her now? Not at all, she got up and heads down the ward with him behind her. She led him to the patients door, staying at the entrance she asked, You will come again, you have a telephone number. He grinned,''Now we are getting close, we might even arrange a date.He added. She lost her breath and caught it again with anger.
To Be Continued..................................