It was half past five on a cold morning, and St. Thomas hospital, was already stirring. Vivian was creeping from locker to locker, laying down washing bowls, putting soap,flannel and towels within the reach of the sleeping patients.Flora glanced at the clock in the far end of the wall. there was still time to go before the lights could go on. But first, she would have to write a report for other nurses before lady would come to do her final round, as well as start the wash out on the second theatre case. The medicine round could be quickly done which would only leave the kardex to be written up and then the hundred and one jobs listed in her hands. During the night an accident happened and flora had been alone in her house when the incident occurred, the police had been alerted by the housemaid next door, who curious to know who had come to live in a house which had stood empty for a very long time. flora smiled once again to the elderly woman lying on the bed and nodded encouragingly as she puts a thermometer under the patient's tongue and took her pulse. She had finished the report with few seconds to spare before the night sister made her brief appearance and was taking down a drip when Vivian appeared at her elbow to whisper into her ears; There's a man standing outside, staff.
Goodluck to him said flora absently, taking out the canula on the patient with carefulness and covering the tiny puncture with a strip of plaster. Vivian laughed and said he was to see the old lady, the one with the burns. Flora laid the drip on the trolley and prepared to will it away ''Tell him to wait, she said, he can no come in until you have finished the BP round and i simply must repack Mrs Collins leaking dress. She looked at the clock and screamed ''Oh Lord just as we were getting on so nicely......She started packing Mrs Collins dress when Vivian appeared again. '' He said he will be glad if you could make it quick, ''He ever so romantic looking, She added. Flora rudely muttered some words under her breath and picked up the dressing tray as she said, ''No one can be romantic looking this early morning. He will have to wait while i wash my hands. Have you finished the round vivian nodded.
Then pull any curtains that are necessary. I suppose he will have to come in now.
She disposed off the tray, washed her hands and heads down the ward, there was no sign of a smile on her face now as she charged silently down and went through the door as she came to ab abrupt halt by the man sitting on the radiator under the landing window. A large man, she saw as he rose to his feet, towering over her. He was wearing a bulky car coat band she could see leather stuffed anyhow into his pocket, she could also see that he was dark haired with craggy face and handsome with it, he has grey eyes of a peculiar intensity. All these she saw within few seconds as she was trained to observe quickly and without comment. Before he could speak Flora said Good morning, i'm glad you've come; i take it that you know the patient, we don't know anything about her and we have not got the time to talk to her at all, she must be feeling terrible about it, poor soul. But you have come at a very awkward time, but at least you are here now
To be continued....................