Attracting The Right Patner Into Your Life.

Attracting the right he/she into your life is essential for a healthy relationship and lifestyle.
Attracting the right person i can't say it's easy. Most times it seems as if, no matter how hard you try, you just can not attract that perfect partner into your life. 
You are definetely not all in this situation. Finding that someone is not something that will just suddenly happen.
 Research shows that an average woman will at some point in life, experience relationship failure and will go through 7 different disastrous relationship before she could her life partner. Taking on this journey is not easy at all. There are so many people, both male and female who are on the same journey with you. But only a few can peak out interest. The question now, is where do you actually start from. Most times when it comes to relationships, the word perfect, should not be a key factor as there no such thing as perfect. Remember we all have flaws in different areas of life in general. Your first step should be you becoming the person you want to attract into your life, becoming this perfect person you want is the surest and the easiest way to attract the right partner to you. You can have the perfect relationship of your dreams if you are willing to put in more work in becoming that perfect person you visualize everyday. Getting a list of what you want in your ideal partner can also be helpful in achieving your goal. Make some of the things written on your list of your ideal partner negotiable, also include rule breakers. These are the things you believe can cause serious damage in your future relationship.
Once you've finished writing down your lists, put it in a nice stationary and paste it where you can see it everyday e.g in front of your mirror. Become the person you want, for an example if you want a strong and fit person. Then you must endeavor to be strong and fit. don't expect to attract an opposite of yourself, if you can not offer those qualities you want in your partner, then don't expect any in return. Being happy is also a source to finding a great relationship. Many believe that when they find a partner they will be happy. But i am telling you right now that only you is responsible for your happiness. If your happiness is based on others making you happy, then you will never be satisfied with yourself. Build the perfect body you want your partner to have and also learn how to appreciate and sometimes compromise. Don't be bent on doing what only suits and benefits you. Dressing to impress is also important because by looking good, you feel good about yourself and also boost your confidence. Get out of your comfort zone and do new things. If you don't go out, i wonder how you will be seen. Gone are those days you stay indoor and suitors floods in to marry you even when you don't know most of them. Go to somewhere new, go on vacation and spoil yourself a little, go to healthy parties. if it's not in your attitude to be extremely outgoing, that's fine. The point really is just to exude happiness and attract more people to you. Have fun and do the extra ordinary
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