How To Start Bottled Water Business In Nigeria.

Bottle water business in Nigeria is one of the most top lucrative business any wise investor can invest into. The Population and the target market is so promising. The high demand for a clean packaged water has extremely increased in the market. Starting a bottle water business in Nigeria is a very good idea considering the ever growing population of Nigeria and the potential market which is becoming unlimited. Now is the best time to invest into bottled water business considering the fact that the federal government through a bill is said to ban the production of sachet water which is popularly known as pure water in many cities. This business is very lucrative. The profit which can be made from this business is about 3 million to 5 million naira. Starting this business will cost you about N1.5 million, the good news is that you will get 30-40 percent of your start up investment because of the high demand of bottle water in Nigeria.

How Do I Start Bottle Water Business In Nigeria.
 To start bottle water business in Nigeria, you will need certain machines and a business plan. Below are the things you will need in order to start bottle water production in Nigeria.

1. Machines; To start this business, there are certain machines you will need which are very essential for starting a bottle water production. You will need dispenser machines, filtering machines, machines for filtering and a machines for sealing.

2. Company Name; To start a bottle water business in Nigeria, A brand name is very essential. A company names is a unique name which is assigned to only you. it helps in setting your business apart from other competitors. To get a brand name, you will need to get registered through CAC.

3. NAFDAC Number; National Agency For Food And Drug Administration And Control. This is another important aspect too. For you to operate here in Nigeria. You need to be fully verified by NAFDAC.

4.Water; Water is an important factor in this bottle water business. You need to have a very good water source that can be able to last for longer time. For a low start up capital you can start with bore hole water. Having a water source gives you a higher advantage considering the fact that the market demands for good quality water. 

5.Bottle Supplier; This is also so important, you will  need to get a reliable bottle production company that is already a full member of the International bottled water association and you can sign up for a membership with them. After that, you will need to supply the bottle water plastic and the cap for your bottle water company business in Nigeria. To get more information about bottle supplier go to Google 

6.Storage Tanks; Storage tanks is very important in bottle water business considering the fact you will need to store your water before pumping it into the machine. You can get storage tanks of about 50,000 to 100,000 depending the base of the tank. 

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