Resolving Issues Conerning Your Marriage.

Marriage is a lifetime commitment to be with someone you love, who also love you in return There are times in marriage when hardship and difficulties begin to roll in. During this times most couple find it difficult to cope with each other thereby creating more problems each day. Are there times in the past when your marriage was sitting on a rossy bed? If you can look back into your marriage and remember those times your marriage was happy, these actually means that this kind of marriage has the potential to be saved. Below are the few tips you can use in saving your relationship.

 Learn how to express yourself in a constructive manner. When you are bringing up a sensitive matter, mind the way you table it out to your partner, Mind the kind of words you use. You could use words like.
.I FEEL, I would like to, My concern is. Whats your thoughts or how do you feel about that. Always try and compliment your partner in all way round. Mocking your partner in almost anything he or she did, won't help the relationship at all. It diminishes a good and successful relationship/marriage. Cut off your angry words, side talks, sarcasm and all that relates to it.

Focus on yourself. Try not to make your partner feel worse about themselves or make them look like a bad person. This act makes them less active in the marriage.
Work on yourself and make positive changes in your attitudes and words towards your partner.

Learn how to make decisions like a team. Making decisions like a team is a goal of win-win. It emphasis a plan of action that involves you too and pleases the both of you on equal sides.

Make a list of the parts you and your partner finds it hard to come agree on. Create out time and list out all those things you know that always brings argument and disagreement in your marriage, including those topics you are afraid to talk about, for fear it might lead to another argument.. List them out and begin to iron them out constructively with your partner.

Share more of your time with your spouse. Give your partner more positive energies in almost everything. Share more fun time, kiss more, love more, hug more and also share more.
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