This Beauty and the Beast Deleted Scene Reveals the Castle's Enchanted Toilet

Talk about a serious stroke of bad luck!

Thanks to a newly unearthed deleted scene from Disney's Beauty and the Beast live action remake, we now know that the Beast wasn't the only one to have his life flushed down the toilet under the enchantress' curse.

According to a clip from Entertainment Weekly, one very unlucky character was banished to life as a toilet and his name was Monsieur—wait for it—Toilette. During the scene when Gaston and his gang of angry locals try to take on the castle's cast of magical objects, LeFou (Josh Gad) seeks safety in the bathroom. Unbeknownst to him, someone was waiting for him in the form of a sour seat.

Unfortunately, the clip is brief, so we don't exactly know what transpires between Gaston's sidekick and his nemesis. However, judging by Gad's facial expression, it wasn't anything too pretty.

Meanwhile, Monsieur Toilette was wiped from the final silver screen version, including his human reunion with LeFou at the finale of the film. The character was voiced by Hello Ladies star Stephen Merchant.

In fact, the deleted scene was a cherished moment for Gaston's Luke Evans. "What I miss, which we shot and is not in the film, is you having a fight with the toilet," Evans told Gad during a People interview.

Fortunately, Merchant's performance finally gets some screen time in the Blu-ray release of the film.
We're happy the scene wasn't left in the can for good. 
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