Tboss Dazzles In New Photos

Following the completion of the 2017 edition of the Big Brother Naija Realtiy TV Show, there have been several controversies surrounding housemates with Tboss, Thin Tall Tony, Bisola and Uriel being most named in dramas.
However, away from the drama, Tboss, a runner up in the competition took to her page to share new photos along with encomium on herself.

This comes after the housemate who boasted of spending N25 million in one week and having a beeline of suitors with private jets was rumored to be dating celebrity chef and former housemate, Miyonse.

She shared the photos below along with the caption:

“My WCW today is Myself. And unapologetically so. Today I celebrate myself, the amazing person that I am. Yeah yeah yeah some may say, look at her she’s not even humble! Go on, give it your best shot, but I have had my fair share of trials and tribulations, pain that very few people can comprehend & yes I have triumphed! And this makes me so proud of myself. I am so happy and privileged to be Me. I am not perfect not even close but I know Every decision taken,every mistake made & every act of kindness has brought me here & I am contend in the realization that I am on the right path to fulfilling my purpose. PS: That’s my natural hair… #SelfLove #JustDoYou #ImDoingMeAndLovingIt #SHUTDOWN #ImperfectlyPerfect #lifeisbeautiful #positivevivesonly #bossnation #Human1st #kisskisscouture #AstonishingBossLady #Queening #ThatsWhatIDo #KeepingItClassy #KeepingItFresh #RomeWasntBultInOneDay #FlawsAndAll #whatdoesntkillmemakesmestronger #iGotThis #InaPhoneixStateofMind”

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