James Corden, Jamie Foxx and Ansel Elgort Battle in an Epic Riff-Off

James Corden planned to talk about dogs in sunglasses Thursday night on The Late Late Show, but fortunately Jamie Foxx stepped in to foil that plan with an alternate suggestion.

"Where the music at? Where the singing at, James? Where the music at?" Foxx interrupted while sitting in the late-night audience. "I don't wanna hear about no dogs in sunglasses."
"If I'm hearing this right, are you saying that you came down here to have some kind of riff-off with me?" Corden asked.

"That's exactly what I'm suggesting," the Oscar winner retorted. "It's a riff-off."

Of course, they needed music for a impromptu battle. "I'm afraid we can't do that. We cannot have a riff-off without The Filharmonic and they're not here." Little did Corden know the acapella group was waiting right behind the curtains.

"Warm them lungs up!" Foxx warned. "Battle, battle, battle, battle!" With both contestants at the ready, they kicked it off with songs by their favorite male artists. First up, Corden with Bruno Mars' "24K Magic."

While he went modern, Foxx turned back time with Stevie Wonder's "For Once in My Life." "It was good. It wasn't great, if I'm being honest," Corden critiqued playfully. 'I've seen better."
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