The Executive Chairman, Tunde Fowler, who explained this in Abuja, said the e-Services innovation represent “a revolution in tax administration in Nigeria”.“The idea behind the six ICT solutions is to make tax payment as easy as ABC, to bring convenience to our taxpayers.
The Federal Inland Revenue Service (FIRS) has introduced six key electronic solutions (e-Services) to enhance convenience, transparency and round the clock processing and payment of taxes.
Some of the e-Services, which could now be accessed online, are taxpayer registration (through e-Registration); payment of Stamp Duties (through e-Stamp Duty); payment of taxes (through online payment: e-TaxPay, Remita); receiving of electronic receipt after payment of taxes (through e-Receipt); filing tax returns online (through e-filing) and online Tax Clearance Certificates (TCC) through electronic Tax Clearance Certificate (e-TCC solution).
The Executive Chairman, Tunde Fowler, who explained this in Abuja, said the e-Services innovation represent “a revolution in tax administration in Nigeria”.“The idea behind the six ICT solutions is to make tax payment as easy as ABC, to bring convenience to our taxpayers. The ICT solutions which we are bringing to the doorsteps of taxpayers will ensure that taxpayers could pay, get receipt, and get TCC, from the comfort of their homes and offices anytime, anywhere in the world and round the clock. This saves the time of taxpayers, is transparent, fast, easy to use and convenient, Fowler said.
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