The Bachelorette Week 2: Rachel Has No Time For Your Drama

After all the niceties and awkwardness of last week's premiere, tonight's episode wasted no time at all in getting things started.

After Chris Harrison once again asked if all the guys were serious and ready to get down to business (which they were), it was group date time. Obviously, they put Whaboom and Penis Man/drummer dude/Whaboom's greatest enemy together on the date in order to set up some drama, and drama we got. But first, celebrities.

The date itself consisted of a barbecue and a football game, followed naturally by a "husband material" obstacle course hosted by Bachelor Nation fans Ashton Kutcher and Mila Kunis.

If you've never seen a man attempt to vacuum a carpet in a field with a fake baby in a Baby Bjorn incorrectly strapped to his chest, we'll just let you know it's pretty funny.

It's almost funny enough that we'd watch a Husband Material game show hosted by Mila and Ashton, where men compete at such tasks as preparing dinner and clothing babies.

What was even funnier was that Whaboom himself ended up winning (after pushing Kenny out of the way), and we really hate to say it, but we're glad he's still on the show if only because it bothers the other guys SO much. Whaboom's awful, but at this point, he's a relatively harmless attention hog. It's the guys who have decided to focus their entire energy on destroying Whaboom who we actually hate more, like Blake. Calm down, penis man.

In fact, penis man revealed tonight that he knew Whaboom from a "previous encounter" (aka another reality show), and knows that he's been Whabooming for a long time.

Which, fine, we're not surprised that he's always been an idiot, but why do you care so much?
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