Robert Pattinson Was Nearly Fired From Twilight

Playing the vampire Edward Cullen made Pattinson a household name, but as he recalled in an interview with The New York Times over the weekend, he was nearly fired while making the first film, released in 2008. His agents intervened, flying to the Canadian set to calm him down. "I didn't have to kiss anybody's [butt] the entire time," he recalled. "I don't think I did, anyway."

(The movie star told Yahoo! Movies in 2012 that he took his method acting to so seriously that he "was fighting with everybody in control all the the point where I almost got fired.

In hindsight, Pattinson said, shooting the five Twilight films was "an amazing luxury." It was "amazing luck, as well, to just have fallen into it with the group of people I worked with on it." And if he's forever associated with Edward Cullen, so be it. "I think one of the best things, basically, about being a bit of a sellout, is if you've done five movies in a series, you've had to accept some responsibility for playing the same character," Pattison, 31, told the newspaper.

The actor is particularly proud of 2012's Cosmopolis, the first movie he made after Twilight ended. "I think it was the first time when I worked on something that was quite complex," Pattinson said. "I especially love the fact that it came out really at the height of my popularity." It was "the big turning point for me," he added. "I just realized that was what I wanted to do."
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