Arik Air has confirmed the arrest of two male passengers caught stealing from the baggage of another passenger onboard the airline’s Lagos-Abuja flight on Friday morning. The airline’s Communication Manager, Mr Ola Adebanji, confirmed the development in Lagos .
Adebanji said the duo was handed over to the Police after the aircraft landed at the Nnamdi Azikiwe International Airport, Abuja.
According to him, one of them was caught by a vigilant Arik Air staff while pilfering money and goods from a passenger’s baggage midair. He said upon further interrogation by the crew, the elderly man implicated another passenger as his accomplice and they were both detained till the flight landed.
“Their plan was foiled because one of our crew was at alert. These things happen a lot on flights because it is a bit difficult to monitor the activities of passengers.
“Our advice is that passengers too should be vigilant and keep an eye on their baggage during flights, ” Adebanji added.