Ariana Grande Fans Evacuated From Concert After "Serious Incident" Inside Manchester Arena

A senior US intelligence official tells NBC News that there was an explosion at the Manchester Arena where Ariana Grande was performing.

The official said there were deaths and injuries. Officials are trying to determine if the incident is terrorism related.

Manchester Arena also released a statement confirming officers are on the scene following reports of an explosion within the foyer area of the stadium at 10:30 p.m. local time.


Thousands of Ariana Grande fans experienced a frightening concert experience Monday evening.

According to various attendees tweeting from the Manchester Arena in the United Kingdom, a loud sound was heard prompting several visitors to leave the area.

Police were called and rushed out to the scene. "Emergency services responding to serious incident at Manchester Arena. Avoid the area. More details will follow as soon as available," Greater Manchester police shared.

Authorities would late release a statement confirming that they are responding to reports of an explosion. There are a number of confirmed fatalities and others injured.

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