Pleasure With Pain Part Three.

Since they all came before me, i just had to wait till they are done with theirs. I sat down with the other four people on a long bench. “How much is the registration?” I asked the young girl sitting next
to me (who looked quite pretty), “good afternoon” she answered. “Please pardon my manners, that should have been my line.” I said to her. She answered and said, “No problem anyway, i didn’t mean it that way, i just greeted you because i felt i had to, there is no big deal. Anyway, the guy said the registration is 1000 naira with printing.” The price seemed quite much,
but i didn’t want to create a
seen or be a nuisance since that’s what all others paid. So while we were waiting, i just enjoyed a conversation with hat pretty young girl beside me. Me: So you are here to do your registration too?
Girl: Obviously, what else would i be doing in a cafe? Me: You could be trying to browse the internet or something. Girl: So if that’s what I’m here for, will i be waiting for those guys to be through with their registration? Me: That’s true (nodding my head in agreement ), since we started talking, you’ve only asked questions. So, should i call you miss question? Girl: You don’t have to call me that, because i have a name (smiling). Me: So with this your beauty, your name must be princess.
Girl: (Blushing) Don’t wine me joor.(now smiling like sobosobo) I’m not princess o, I’m Sandra. So what’s your name, Prince? Me: Prince ke, my name is Dapo o. Its nice meeting you (stretching my hands to shake her) Sandra: The pleasure is mine (shaking hands with me). .We talked on and on, and she told me that she was admitted to study philosophy. I waited until it was my turn, then I did my registration. Sandra left and waved me, “see you in school” she said. i waved her back, and she smiled from afar. It was when i saw that smile that it occurred to me that i should have asked for her number. But it was too late, she had gone already. “I may never see her again.” I said to myself. I just forgot about her since we have more than 25,000 people in OAU. I finished my registration and went back home, preparing for school.
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