Girl Knocked Down By A Range Rover Car Survived. Graphic Photo.

A Little girl age unknown have been knocked down by a range rover car, while crossing the school crossing patroller. The primary six pupil suffered a bad cut to her head, severe bruising and cuts to the entire left side of her body.
But her mother says she is happy the girl survived.

The girl's mother, Maria Reilly, who received a call from a member of the public to say her daughter had been hit by a car, said she felt blessed her girl survived the collision.

“We have all had a shock, “I have been lucky enough to be able to take her home, the next person might not be so lucky. She said.

“The doctor said he was surprised she hadn’t been knocked unconscious.

“The laceration at the top of her head is a very deep cut; the doctor was able to feel her skull.

“There’s also a bad graze to her cheek. Her jacket was ripped in three places and her leg, the whole way down from the hip, is grazed. It was far from a wee bump.”
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