55 Year Old Man Caught, Arrested For Kissing Five Year Old Girl.

Jorven SerenJorven Seren, 55, who was born a man but asked to be addressed as a woman throughout the hearing, was arrested after being seen kissing a child outside a cafe. The sex offender who believes he is a five year old girl  brought his large doll with him to court.
The 55 year old man was caught kissing a little girl, Members of a nearby church contacted police about Seren's odd behaviour then spoke to the victim's distressed mother about the incident in Thanet, Kent.

Police went to Seren's home in Margate, Kent, where they discovered more than 460 disturbing images of child sex on his mobile phone which he claimed that a known paedophile, who has since died, persuaded him to download the images.

Seren defending lawyer Paul Hogben said: "I am sure looking at this defendant and the offences which she has admitted there is a great deal of concern.

"There are no mental health issues but there are personality disorders. Miss Seren was born a man but since an early age felt she is more a woman than a man."Jorven Seren

Seren had pleaded guilty to indecent assault and downloading illegal child sex images.

The court heard how Seren thinks he is a five-year-old girl and is regarded as "highly vulnerable".

Although psychiatrists concluded the defendant has personality problems he did not have any mental illness and he was jailed him for a total of 15 months.
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