10 Year Old Boy Battered With Hot Water.

It is so unfortunate what happens this days with people children who goes out to stay with other people. A 29 year old woman Ms Udak has been arrested and charged to court for pouring her 10 year old house boy hot water as a means of waking him up..The suspect was charged to court on Monday 28th of November 2016. We gathered that the incident happened on the 24th day of November about 5.30 in the morning when the victim was said to be fast asleep. We gathered that the suspect poured hot water on the young boy thereby causing severe burns on the boy's arm and face after the boy refused to get up from bed around 5.30 am. The incident was made
known to the police after a neighbour to the suspect Mr Emmanuel Agan noticed the serious injuries on the boys body...and reported the incident to the  Basic Rights Counsel Initiative in Calabar the organization took it up from there..making sure justice is served right.

The organization immediately reported the case to the police and they arrested the perpetrator. The young boy, who is from Uruan in Akwa Ibom State said his dad is late. Until last September, Nse was a pupil of PCN Primary School, Akim, Calabar but stopped going to school after he was asked to repeat primary 3. His mother, a crayfish seller had given him out to live as house boy to one Madam Ime. According to CrossRiverWatch:

"The said Madam Ime is a food vendor (popularly known as “Mama Put”) at No. 7C, Etta Agbor Road, Calabar and on the fateful day of the incident, Daniel could not wake up on time to wash dishes when Ime’s eldest daughter (the accused) woke him up by pouring boiling water on his face.
Basic Rights Counsel Initiative had provided medical care to Nse and written to the Ministry of Sustainable Development and Social Welfare seeking temporary accommodation for the child, and the Ministry has promptly responded by placing the child in a government facility where he is now being kept pending when his biological parents/relatives can be traced

The Magistrate was said to be infuriated with the manner at which Ms. Monday responded to questions as her bail application was been heard, therefore turned down the application, remanded her in Afokang prison until the next adjourned date, Sunday 9th December,  2016.
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