Ways To Find True Happiness(Lovers Guide)

True happiness is an essential recipe in every relationship. Below are few tips of finding true happiness and love. With this tips you can meet the man/woman of your dream and have true happiness in your love life.

 1. GET OUT Of YOUR COMFORT ZONE; You cant find and meet that man of your dream in your room while relaxing and watching movies. Maybe a cute delivery guy might bring some stuffs for you, but chances are, you cant stay indoors and meet that perfect match of your dream. Going out to some party is a good start. Telling your married friends of your search for someone new, helps always as you truly never know who you will meet.

2. TAKE YOUR TIME; Taking your time to go for this awesome search is also a great start. Dont feel in a rush to meet this guy, take your time in getting your mind and body ready.
Make sure this is someone you want in your life. 

 3. COMPROMISE; When you were much younger, you made lists of what you want in a partner. e.g "he must be tall and a little and handsome. This time try compromising those lists. It just might be a good match. 

 4. BLIND DATES. See blind dates as your first date. When you meet your blind date for the first time, if you are not too comfortable of sitting in a noisy canten, go out and do something nice and fun that suits you. 

 5. YOUR PAST IS PAST. When going into that perfect match relationship, leave all negatives thought behind as they might be an obstacle to your happiness in this new relationship, leave the feelings of past heartbreaks where the should be, which is in the past and move to a brighter happiness.

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