How To Start Mass Tomatoes Production.

Tomatoes is one of the top most important cooking ingredients in the country. 95% of the food we prepare in this country, are being made with tomatoes. 95 percent of the food we prepare are being made with tomatoes. We use tomatoes to make soups, porridge, salads, stews and the likes of it. Tomatoes goes with almost any kind of food.

Eating tomatoes come with very high benefits, it contains a high level of vitamin c which is essential to the body. Its redness makes it an antioxidants agents. It is also rich with Vitamin E and also helps the the eyes to be brighter
.Is There Profits In Tomato Farming?
Tomatoes is one of the most highly demanded fruit in Nigeria. The market for tomatoes is always there. More than 250 million people consume tomatoes every single day. No matter how large your tomatoes farm produce, it is never going to be enough. In the past years, Nigeria Imported tonnes of processed tomatoes that is worth over N11.7 Billion which was added to the ones the north produced. Nigerians can never get enough of tomatoes so there will always be a market ready.

 How Do I Start Tomato Farming?
To start Tomato Farming, you will need enough capital at hand. With 3 Million Naira you can start and double your investment within months. Tomato Farming is such a simple farm to start. Anyone can do it, even if your capacity is low. Your backyard can serve as a starting point, if the you don't have much capital to make it big. Tomato farming is much more rewarding especially when you are are living in Kano area. In Kano it is grown round the year but in other states it is best advised you cultivate it during the rainy season. 

How To Prepare For Tomato Farming. 
 To start, you need to know which species to pick...i highly recommend you pick the improved yield specie which is the best specie for farmers. There are also Roma tomatoes which are also known as Italian tomatoes is popular in the Nigeria market. ii is widely known for it redness and plum sizes. Clean up where you did like to keep the tomatoes. You can use your backyard if it suites you. It is high recommended you clean up your number around March/April when the early rain is just starting in some parts of the country.  For your tomatoes to survive.. It is recommended you cultivate in a black loose loamy spoil.  After that, the final step will be moving the already germinating tomatoes to the permanent farm where they would finally grow into maturity and ready for Production.  In the case where you can't do the trans planning yourself and alone, you should here labourers accessing to what you need.  

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