Supermarket business in Nigeria which is also known as provision shop is one of the top business that brings in money, whether you are setting it as a small scale investment or setting up a high standard investment. If you look around your environment there are not less than 5 or more provision shop around.provision shops makes life easy for us. Imagine going cooking and suddenly realized that there is no salt, you cross over the next street and get the so easy. Provision shops makes shopping so easy. Supermarket business is not a seasonal market, it operates everyday even on weekends and sundays.
This is a business that is sure to bring in umoney everyday no matter how bad the economic looks.
Though the profit for each item might look small, some goods gets a profit of just N5 while some gets a high profit of N300. Now if you calculate the number of customers that bought the items each day you will see how lucrative this business is.
How Do I Start A Supermarket Business In Nigeria.
Starting a supermarket is not that rossy and easy, with a high capital you can start a standard supermarket but with a little capital you can also start but it has to be a small scale provision shop and from there you grow big. To start a supermarket you will need a good solid plan to help you succeed and grow in the business. If you have any questions please feel free to use the comment box +davina ibegbu