0-COT (Zero Cost Of Transaction)is an account that anyone can operate, highly suitable for students. Most banks in Nigeria offer similar accounts to the public. In Today's post i will be talking about how you can open this type of account with access bank as they seem to have the best offer so far. 0-COT allows you to open a bank account without paying a dime and still have total control over your account.
What Are The Requirements For This Account.
To open this type of account, all you need is.
Valid ID card e.g Drivers License, National Voter Card and International Passport.
Two Photograph Passport.
Utility Bill.
These are the basic requirement you must have to enable you open and operate this kind of account.
What Are The Benefits Attached To This Account.
The benefits attached to this account are. With this account, you get an ATM Card which enables you to withdraw money at any time and anywhere, you get charged 0naira for every SMS alert sent to you and you also get the benefit of withdrawing more than a hundred thousand naira a day. All these are attached with Access Bank 0-COT account..
How Do Open This Account.
To open this type of account, all you need to do is go to the nearest access bank close to you with the requirements i mentioned above.
Note: You do not need any money to open this type of account. To Know more about this account go to www.accessbank.com